Friday, September 23, 2011

Why Do Women Cancel Dates And What To Do About It

9 out of 10 times a woman flakes out on a date with you because she's not really into you.
A true "emergency" doesn't happen often. So if a woman breaks a date with you out of a sudden, you can bet she's  breaking it because she's not attracted to you.
The only exception is if she makes another date with you right away.
So why do women agree to dates if they know they're going to cancel it anyway? 
I believe it's because a lot of women have trouble saying "no" to a man.
You see, most women have trouble saying "no" to a guy. They don't know how to say "no" to you in person, so rather than rejecting you cold on the spot and embarrassing you, they resort to flaking out on you over the phone or through email.
When a woman does this to you, don't act upset or beg for another date. Instead, play it cool and act happy.
Example: "Oh. That's really too bad. We could have had so much fun hanging out together. But it's okay. I  bumped into my friend Jenny the other day and she wanted me to go to her party. I had to turn her down because I had already agreed to hang out with you but I guess I can go after all..."
 Then throw her number away and toss her out of your mind!


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