Monday, October 31, 2011

Are You a Powerful Loner?

A "Powerful Loner" is a term I use in Smart Dating Course (which you should really get if you haven't done so yet).

Basically, it refers to a guy who thinks he's "picky" about the woman he likes and that he's above the conventional practices of dating...when deep inside he's just feeling

Here are some symptoms of a powerful loner.

    1) He thinks he's "different" than others.
    2) He doesn't talk until he's talked to.
    3) He would rather pretend to not like someone than to be open about it.
    4) He uses his "pickiness" as an excuse.
    5) He thinks the "right girl" will see through the asexual mask he has put up and fall in love with him.

But guess why the "Powerful Loner" acts this way?

Because he has built such a thick wall around himself over the years that he's "stuck" with that image.He's too wimpy to handle rejection, and hence he doesn't ever show his feelings. He never talks unless he's talked to, because if he starts a conversation with a girl, it may show his friends that he's not so "powerful" after-all. In short, the "Powerful Loner" is constantly acting so that he can be consistent with his "image"...when he's
really all bent-up and desperate for love or social contact inside.

If you think you're a "Powerful Loner", then you should download "Smart Dating Course" NOW because you MUST break out of this mindset if you EVER want to have ANY success in dating. I used to be a "Powerful Loner" too, and no matter how hard I tried in the dating game, I never really had any success with women UNTIL I snapped out of it and became what I now call a "Smart Dater" instead.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

How To Get More Attention From Women

A lot of my readers seem to suffer from what I call the "Cellophane Symptom", meaning they are never noticed by women.

Here's my solution: If you want more attention from women, then you better start DEMANDING IT - not just from women, but from EVERYONE. You can't sit in a corner and expect people to notice you!

Here are a couple of things I want you to do RIGHT NOW:

1) Raise Your Opinion: Don't be afraid to voice your opinions when you're in a group. The more you talk, the more people will notice you. If you just "follow" the group wherever they go, nobody will miss you if you're gone.

2) Become A Leader: Leadership and charm go hand in hand. If you want to be noticed, become a leader at work or at school. There's no faster way.

3) Be SEEN With Women: Get your girl friends or cousins to go to places with you. Be SEEN with women. This will greatly increase your chances of getting noticed by other females.

4) Introduce Yourself: Volunteer to introduce yourself at ANY social settings. Don't wait for someone to come up to you. Don't wait for your friend to introduce you.

5) Excel At Everything: The more successful you are in life, the more noticed you will be.    

Take this advice to your heart. At school, play sports and get onto the student's council. At work, become a team leader. At clubs, be seen with a lot of females. The more social proof you have, the more people - including men AND women - will notice you.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

How To Use Reverse Psychology With Women

A couple of days ago a buddy asked me to hang out with him and his new girlfriend because he was having trouble "handling" her. So he bought me a concert ticket so I could tag along and meet his girl.

Two hours before the concert, my buddy called his girlfriend to tell her we were on our way to pick her up. But guess what she tried to do? She tried to flake out on us! She told my buddy that she had a "headache" and wasn't sure if she could come. My buddy begged and tried to get her to come...but she just kept whining about her headache. finally, I got tired of the nonsense and grabbed the phone from him.

I calmly told her that my buddy and I were going to go for dinner instead of picking her up because she was sick
 anyway. Then I wished her a good night and hung up. I put my friend's phone in my pocket so that he couldn't call her back.

An hour and a half later, we found the girl WAITING FOR US in front of the stadium. My buddy was amazed.

There's one little problem though. The girl is now asking all sorts of questions about me. It looks like she's pretty interested in me. My friend is not happy about this...


Friday, October 28, 2011

Part One - The New Mechanics of the Online Date

Online dating is no longer the domain of spotty computer geeks and the socially inept. In fact, it’s a powerful tool in the dating tool belt, and is considered essential for most single guys. If you don't know much about the phenomenon of internet dating, it's high time you did!

The fine art of seduction took an interesting turn with the advent of the internet and online dating. An entirely new set of skills developed around seducing women online and through internet personals. But what happens after the girl falls for her Digital Romeo? The first date after meeting online is very different from the often-compared "blind date" and is completely different from a traditional first date.

The reason for this discrepancy comes from the different elements of your date's personality that you are familiar with. A traditional first date comes after you have already met someone -whether in a bar, at work, or at your favorite record store. This
means that you probably know very little about them personally, but have something in common from the start. A blind date means that you know even less about someone, but you have the benefit of a mutual friend, and the possibility - no matter how remote - that your friend was correctly confident in making the match. This almost is never the case.

But somewhere in between is the first online date. This brings together two people that know an unusual amount about each other for having never actually met, and the elements of the personality that have been shared are relatively deep. Online relationships
often provide a venue for sharing the most intimate secrets while never actually having the benefit of the simplistic or cursory introduction. For example, you may know about the death of your date's childhood pet, but not actually know what her voice sounds like. This reversal of what used to be the standard order of events in meeting someone has played havoc with techniques of seduction.

In many ways, this should make things easier. You know have an insight into your dates personality and psyche that can allow you to pull their heartstrings and tickle their funny bone, but you also will have to work twice as hard to make a good impression
physically. This can really put a quick end to an otherwise good date. All of the quick wit and great humor you can muster won't save you from your date's assumption that you are dishonest, manipulative, and a little unattractive; when she sees that the photo you posted with your profile doesn't look anything like you. With this in mind, by showing her a photo that looks like you from the beginning, you actually have a chance to win her over with your personality during the lead up to the first date. The balance is delicate, and critical.

Imagine the same scenario reversed. You like everything you know about this girl - her personality, sense of humor, beliefs and values. You have also built up an image of her in your mind's eye based on the photograph you saw on her profile. Now imagine meeting
for the first time, and she looks nothing like her photo. Imagine that she's a little older and quite a bit heavier. No matter how much you liked her personality, you will feel an inevitable sense of disappointment. That sense of disappointment will taint the entire date. Maybe if you would have known what she actually looked like and not been surprised by the revelation, you could have focused on her great personality, but it's already too late. This is exactly the same situation with your date, and it will have exactly the same result.

You have to be aware that good looks and pickup lines, and all the other main staples of regular seduction, simply don't cut it with dates that originated online. In many ways, the physical becomes even more important, but on top of that, you have to work hard to
display all of the personality attributes that your date came to know and admire before you actually met.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

How Attractions Work With Different Cultures

I am often asked, "Will your attraction concepts work with women of different cultures?"

The answer is "YES!"

The "underlying concepts" of attraction and sexual chemistry will ALWAYS be the same, even though the APPLICATIONS may be slightly different. EVERY woman is the same on a biological level...and they ALL respond to ATTRACTION instead of logic.

The only difference is that their social masks may be a little bit different. Different cultures may have different ways of building sexual chemistry. For example, some of my
clients from Muslim countries get an "electric shock" when they make eye contact with a woman under a veil. For them, that simple action is enough to build strong chemistry. But here in North America, we will need more physical contact. short, if you get the concept right and focus on building the sexual ATTRACTION rather than using "logic" to convince a woman she "should" like you, no matter what
part of the world you live in and who you want to date, you will still be very successful in the dating game!


Sunday, October 23, 2011

What To Do After A Breakup

Here are some things you should do after a breakup:

1) Workout: Working out at the gym will help you get her off your mind. The endorphins released during your workouts will make you a happier person. The muscles you gain from working out will also make you more confident.

2) See Your Friends: Remember all the friends that you've ditched to see your ex-girlfriend? Start hanging out with them again!

3) Find New Hobbies: Find a few new hobbies to help take her off your mind.

4) Go After Your Dreams: Set your long-term goals and work hard at achieving them.

5) See Other Women: See other women as soon as you feel ready. It's time to move on!

6) Polish Your Skills: Re-read my course and find out what went wrong. Don't make the same mistakes again. If you haven't downloaded my course yet... maybe that's why the breakup has happened in the first place. Don't make the same mistake again.

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