Thursday, October 27, 2011

How Attractions Work With Different Cultures

I am often asked, "Will your attraction concepts work with women of different cultures?"

The answer is "YES!"

The "underlying concepts" of attraction and sexual chemistry will ALWAYS be the same, even though the APPLICATIONS may be slightly different. EVERY woman is the same on a biological level...and they ALL respond to ATTRACTION instead of logic.

The only difference is that their social masks may be a little bit different. Different cultures may have different ways of building sexual chemistry. For example, some of my
clients from Muslim countries get an "electric shock" when they make eye contact with a woman under a veil. For them, that simple action is enough to build strong chemistry. But here in North America, we will need more physical contact. short, if you get the concept right and focus on building the sexual ATTRACTION rather than using "logic" to convince a woman she "should" like you, no matter what
part of the world you live in and who you want to date, you will still be very successful in the dating game!


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