Monday, November 21, 2011

How To Get Your First Kiss

How to "ask for" the first kiss all the time. But here's the secret:

You should NEVER have to ask a woman for your first kiss. (Only WIMPS ask for a first kiss, and you should know by now that women are NOT attracted to wimps!) You should "test the waters" by using the following technique instead:

Flirt heavily with her and get some good connection when you're over at her house. Then when the moment is right, I want you to look into her eyes...and stroke her hair. Tell her
her hair smells good. Look into her eyes again and see how she reacts. (Feedback is IMPORTANT) She's got those dreamy eyes? Lift her chin up with a finger and tell her her eyes are beautiful and gaze deeply into them. She still responding well? Great. Lean down SLOWLY towards her lips. (If she doesn't pull away then she WANTS the kiss). Kiss her lightly on her lips. Pull back and look into her eyes again. Smile. Then kiss her again, but make it harder and longer this time. Kiss her for awhile and then start nibbling on her neck.

Once you've "melted" her with this, she should be ready to do more.

Well, there you have it, the killer technique to get your first kiss with the girl of your dream. It won't guarantee you'll have a girlfriend by tomorrow night but it can certainly

give you a better "edge" the next time you're out with a girl.


What if you knew so many PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES and so many ways to DRAW WOMEN TO YOU that you could "magnetically attract" all the women that come into your life? How good would you feel about yourself? How confident would you be?

Date Beautiful Women program is designed to give YOU such power. It is very easy to increase your success with women with this course.

By the time you finish reading the first few chapters, you will be able to:

    - Create ANTICIPATION and make women BEG you to take things to the next level.
    - PASS the TESTS women give you and REVERSE them so they will work harder to attract YOU
    - Get WHATEVER you want from a women, without acting like a "nice guy" OR a "jerk"
    - Make those awkward silences in a conversation not so awkward!
    - Understand the SEXUAL SIGNALS that women are giving off!
    - Get more women to NOTICE you instead of ignore you!
    - Send out the RIGHT BODY SIGNALS and use SEXUAL COMMUNICATION to build up her interests in you.
    - Turn a long-time friend into a GIRLFRIEND
    - Make women want to "surrender" to you because they feel an EMOTIONAL CONNECTION with you that they cannot control.
    - Amplify your NATURAL CHARM so you can "magnetically" attract beautiful women.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

How To Kiss A Woman

Kissing can give lots of fun and enjoyment, if you're really good at it. And you should be good at it! Because lots of women think that if you can't do get that right, especially the first kiss, chances are you won't be able to do good for the rest either. So if you want to be a ladies man, you better become a good kisser.

Kissing, in the dictionary means, to touch or caress with the lips as an expression of love, respect or appreciation. It is a subtle art that must be taken intimately with your partner. The best and most enjoyable style of kissing is the one that makes use of different variations.

Some partners start with small, gentle kiss, going into a French kiss (my next issue my focus on JUST the French kiss), and eventually found themselves sucking each other's upper or lower lip. However, the perfect and most romantic kiss is the one that is shared with the person that is really special to you. Though a good kiss can definitely make two people become closer, still, there is nothing more sincere and passionate than a kiss with someone you really care about.

To avoid nervousness and embarrassing circumstances especially for first timers, it is important to know some kissing tips:

1) See to it that you have a good breath! I'll bet you ill agree if I say that the surest way to spoil a perfect kiss is by having a bad breath. So brush your teeth before going out for a date or carry around a pack of gum or mints with you and have some after you finish your meal, a glass of beer or a stick of cigarette.

2) Try to pick the perfect moment, don't just kiss the person when you feel like it. The right time to kiss your partner is when your eyes meet and both of you aren't able to look away.

3) Make sure that you open your mouth slightly as you place it over your partner's lips. And as your lips join hers, keep your lips slightly parted and press them tenderly over your partner's lips.

4) It is also nice if you ran your tongue over your lips before kissing because slightly moist lips makes kissing a more pleasurable experience.

5) When the sparks start flying, and the two of you are already kissing, don't just leave kisses to the lips. It is more seductive and romantic if you kiss your partner's chin, neck, tip of the nose, cheeks and even their eyelids. But more than that, there are other kissing tips that each of us should bear in mind. would you like to try these tips in real life, with the girl you have always wanted?


Saturday, November 19, 2011

If You Don't Feel Comfortable Approaching Women...

If you don't feel 100 percent comfortable with approaching women right's totally okay. Don't let it stop yourself from doing it. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.

A boxing champion has once said that even the greatest boxer wakes up in fear on the day of a tournament. But the difference between a champion and a boxer-wannabe is that the 
champion gets into the ring IN SPITE OF HIS FEAR. 

The loser just quits.

Don't try to "repress" your fears. Be the champion and fight on! The bottom line're never a loser until you quit and give up or start blaming other people or things such as shyness.

Too many guys don't do anything because they're too afraid to. Or they want to wait until they're "more confident".

Don't be one of them. Go out NOW and start DOING!

 It's like what they say in the marines, "What doesn't  kill you will only make you stronger."

If you learn to look at the BIGGER PICTURE (of yourself picking up the skills to become a master at dating) and NOT WORRY about the outcome of an encounter with a particular woman, then you'll see how every approach and every date is essentially just another TRAINING SESSION.

Don't let "fear" get into the way. A friend of mine once told me that he was scared when he went away to bootcamp and got "chewed out" the first time. But he eventually got out of 
bootcamp as a more confident and more confident man - and he had managed to pick up many skills that would be valuable to him for the rest of his life.

Speaking of skills, your "fear" won't affect the outcome of a situation with a woman. In the boxing ring, ultimately it's
 the SKILL of the champion boxer that  wins him the match. He WINS in spite of his fear. He analyzes his own mistakes and turns  his weak areas into his strengths. That's what you should be doing!

Remember: "Confidence" comes from "competency", which
 in turn comes from PRACTICE!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

How To Eliminate Your "Garbage" Body Language

If you go to acting school, one of the first things they'll teach you is how to remove all the "unnecessary' body movements so that you'll look clean onstage or onscreen.

Today, I'm going to show you how to remove all your ineffective, "garbage body language" so that you won't come across as a nervous man in front of a woman!

Here's a very beginners exercise. (I'll give you some advanced exercises in future newsletter issues.)

Go to any public place such as a college campus or a shopping mall and try to SLOW DOWN and MINIMIZE your movements as much as possible. Do this for 10 minutes a day. This will feel VERY strange to you at first, but in a few weeks you'll notice your body language is much more relaxed.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Seducing Women on Vacation

When is the last time you took a vacation? It might be just what you need!

It's a simple fact that people are more spontaneous on vacation. Women, particularly those who have embarked on a vacation alone, or with one or two friends, are looking for adventure, spontaneity, maybe even romance. Endeavoring to meeting and attract women while on vacation carries the same set of obstacles and pitfalls that meeting women in everyday life does, with a few major exceptions.

The first major benefit of meeting women while on vacation is that they are there for fun. Their minds aren't burdened by work worries, family troubles, or money issues. They are having a good time, and that translates to positive thinking. Positive thinking about the weather, and positive thinking about you - the guy they met on the beach, or in the tiki bar, or on the dance floor. The power of this freedom from worry can't be overstated in the context of meeting new people and reacting positively to them. Imagine how much more receptive you are to meeting new people when you're in a good mood. It's the same thing. In most cases, vacation brings out the best in people.

Now let's think about the lack of attachments. Meeting someone on a vacation means, by definition, that you are meeting them away from home. This means that they are away from their usual friends -probably the same friends who would cause her to second-guess her inclination to have a brief affair with you - and far away from the everyday world that reminds them of inhibition and fears. It's possible that they are also far away from other romantic interests, like boyfriends. In any case, this distance is a great benefit to you. This removal from normal attachments means that the woman will be more spontaneous and less concerned about the repercussions of her actions.

The location of a vacation romance might have a lot to do with your increased chances as well. Whether vacation resorts in tropical locales or holiday ski slopes, many vacation destinations have a certain romantic connotation that permeates the experience. Exploit

this idea, and be aware that many women will be actively looking for a guy to have a holiday affair with. It's also important to mention that the effect of alcohol should not be understated. The tropical drinks flow freely in many vacation spots, and in some of the Caribbean's all-inclusive resorts, this is literal, not figurative. This abundance of alcohol goes a long way toward lowering the inhibitions of fun-loving women looking for a good time in a romantic spot.

And that's the most important point of all - many single women on vacation alone or with only a few friends are looking for a short love affair. It's popularized in television, film, and pop music, and it's a legitimate motivation for many travelers. Take advantage
of the fact that these women are putting themselves into the mix for this very purpose. So many of the games are eliminated when the real motives are made clear.

It's true that it's a bigger time commitment than
Friday night at the club, but it also has the potential for a much bigger payoff. Take a trip and see what happens.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Should You Teach Your Friends This Stuff?

A lot of guys ask help because their buddies  are "messing up their game".

Here's my advice: If you friends screw up your game every time you try getting a girl, it's time to stop hunting with them.

You can still be good friends with them and you can still hang out with them all you want, but don't expect them to help you any when you're trying to talk to a hottie.

In my experience, it's almost pointless to try to "change them around" or "show them the ropes" of dating if they aren't seeking your help. In the real world, unsolicited advice is almost never welcomed. Think about it, if you hadn't signed up for this newsletter and I had just sent you my dating articles, would you have been offended? Probably. In fact, I get some nasty flame mails from people that have 
forgotten they have signed up for my newsletter every day.

Here's the hard truth: Most guys are EXTREMELY sensitive and egoistic when it comes to talking about their love lives. I once had a good friend who wouldn't listen to me at all. I would spend HOURS telling him everything I know about attraction and dating, and he'd go out and do the
 EXACT OPPOSITE because of his ego.

So...unless your friends start ASKING you for your opinion, do not bother to teach them anything. If they are willing to learn and to change themselves for the better, then show them a few tricks. Otherwise, just enjoy all the ladies yourself!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why Women Flake Out On Men

There are only a few reasons why a woman would flake out on a date:

1) Low Attraction: If Tom Cruise had asked her out on a date, would she have flaked out? Probably not. She would probably have prepared for it HOURS in advance, got a new hairdo, and showed up 30 minutes EARLY instead of being half an hour late.

2) She's disorganized: A lot of flaky girls are flaky because they are disorganized. They don't just flake out on guys; they also flake out on their own girlfriends.

3) She's A Natural Flakers: This is worse than having time management skills. Some girls are just natural flakes because of the way they see the world. So many people have
let them flake out without any consequences that they don't even see anything wrong with it. Getting a natural flakers to stop flaking on you is as hard as getting a bad driver to tail-gating you. She may stop flaking for a few weeks when the attraction is high. But as soon as she settles down with you, she will start flaking again.

No matter which category she is in, if a woman flakes out on you, it means she either...

    1) Doesn't like you that much.
    2) Has weak character.

Here's my general rule on flaking: If a woman flakes out on you once, you should call her on her best.

If she flakes out on you a second time, don't ask her out AGAIN until she is begging you to come out.

If she flakes out on you a third time, she should be out of your life - FOREVER!

Here's a little hint: If too many women flake out on you, you need to work on ATTRACTING women BEFORE you ask them out. Don't just talk to a girl for 2 minutes and get
 her number. TALK to her and FLIRT with her first. If you skip these steps and skip to asking her out right away, you'll just be setting yourself up for failure. You MUST create chemistry and rapport BEFORE you ask for a date.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Single Magic Bullet of Dating

In my past couple of years of working as a dating coach, I've noticed a common thing among many men: They all want to find the "single magic bullet" that will change their love lives instantly.

These guys are constantly looking for new information especially for the latest "Holy Grail" of dating - such as the "seven magic words" that they will pierce through the thick armor of a woman's heart and wins her love instantly.

Unfortunately, this "magic bullet" does not exist in real life, and neither does hyped websites that offer a single method. You can't instantly win a woman's heart by just uttering a few words or putting on a dash of the latest pheromone.

CUMULATIVE effect of your actions is MUCH more important than any single "bullet".

In the real world, if you get a BB gun and shoot BB bullets at a window, you're not going to break it. The bullets are just going to bounce off the window. But if you melt a hundred BB bullets together and throw it at a window like a baseball, it's going to crack it open.

Dating is the same. EVERY action you do will either attract a woman towards you or push her away from you.  All your tiny actions may seem very insignificant to you, but when you add them together, they'll determine the amount of success you have with a woman.

Too many men try to "act cocky" or "be funny"...and don't realize that it's the CUMULATIVE EFFORT of their actions that really "get" them women.

When you go after a woman, I want you to be FLEXIBLE. If one technique doesn't work, don't be stubborn and keep pushing it. TRY SOMETHING ELSE. This sound likes common sense, but if I could have a penny for every time a guy tried to use something that wasn't working, I would be a rich man by
now. Not every technique will work for every you want to make sure you have a VARIETY of tools that you can pull out at anytime.

Lastly, don't forget that the MORE you use a single technique, the LESS effective it will become. If you tell the same joke over and over, it's not going to be funny anymore. Same with dating techniques. If you repeat something
with a woman too much, you will become predictable and BORING.

This is exactly why my Smart Dating Course is a complete "system" with hundreds of different ideas and techniques, because I know from experience that you cannot rely on just one or two things to become an overnight success
with women.

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