Monday, October 31, 2011

Are You a Powerful Loner?

A "Powerful Loner" is a term I use in Smart Dating Course (which you should really get if you haven't done so yet).

Basically, it refers to a guy who thinks he's "picky" about the woman he likes and that he's above the conventional practices of dating...when deep inside he's just feeling

Here are some symptoms of a powerful loner.

    1) He thinks he's "different" than others.
    2) He doesn't talk until he's talked to.
    3) He would rather pretend to not like someone than to be open about it.
    4) He uses his "pickiness" as an excuse.
    5) He thinks the "right girl" will see through the asexual mask he has put up and fall in love with him.

But guess why the "Powerful Loner" acts this way?

Because he has built such a thick wall around himself over the years that he's "stuck" with that image.He's too wimpy to handle rejection, and hence he doesn't ever show his feelings. He never talks unless he's talked to, because if he starts a conversation with a girl, it may show his friends that he's not so "powerful" after-all. In short, the "Powerful Loner" is constantly acting so that he can be consistent with his "image"...when he's
really all bent-up and desperate for love or social contact inside.

If you think you're a "Powerful Loner", then you should download "Smart Dating Course" NOW because you MUST break out of this mindset if you EVER want to have ANY success in dating. I used to be a "Powerful Loner" too, and no matter how hard I tried in the dating game, I never really had any success with women UNTIL I snapped out of it and became what I now call a "Smart Dater" instead.


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