Friday, August 26, 2011

Conversation Starters part1

She's standing at the door, dressed in a little black dress that makes you want to stare at parts you shouldn't.  You've got the first ten minutes covered--introducing yourself, getting into the car, driving to the restaurant or café or other venue, finding a place to sit.  Then you find yourself sitting across from her.  She looks at you with that blank expression that tells you nothing at all.  Your palms start to sweat.  You wonder if you remember to put on cologne, or if you checked for anything in your teeth before you left the house.  The silence grows longer.  You wish the waiter would come for your order.  A quick sigh tells you that she's getting bored.  You curse to yourself.  At the next table you catch a glimpse of a couple laughing; the guy is telling a story, and she is leaning forward to catch every word.  That guy could be you ...if you only knew what to say.

Don't get caught without conversation starters on a first date! The guys who can wow a woman from the moment they meet her all know a secret: women love funny, relaxed, attentive guys who want to hear all about them.  There is nothing that a woman finds more flattering than to be asked about her opinions, feelings, and life experiences.

So when you find yourself in a situation where the silence starts to grow, ask a question!  What do you want to know about this woman?  I will warn you right now: she'll notice immediately if you're not really interested in her response.  If you want to get to know a woman better, you need to show how interested you are in her.  Better yet, when she shares her accomplishments and hobbies, you will find yourself in a perfect situation to compliment her ... and complimenting a woman will suddenly make you much more attractive in her eyes.  The least attractive guy in the world can find himself swarmed with women if he simply does two things: appreciates them and lets them know it.

When you're on a first date, remember the following tips.

1.  Keep all conversation positive.  Never bring up negative things, like how hard your life is right now, how you've been seeking for a job for months, or how complicated things are with your parents.  Avoid controversial subjects until you get to know the person better.

2.  Relax!  Women can sense fear and nervousness, even if you think you're hiding it well.  When you are nervous, you often speak faster, and you may appear more serious or intense than you usually are.  You may want to try watching a comedy, reading cartoons, or doing whatever makes you double over in uncontrollable laughter before your date.  Laughing will relax all your muscles, send good feelings to your brain, and get your blood pumping.  You'll meet her with a great big smile on your face--and she'll respond.

3.  When she is talking, lean forward, look into her eyes (not down at her chest), and respond to what she says.  If you agree, smile and nod.  If she's talking about something serious, take it seriously.  DO NOT lean back in your chair and look around the restaurant as she talks.  DO NOT stare at her so intensely that she feels uncomfortable.  Give her the space to look back at you by occupying yourself with your plate of food, or by gazing at a spot on the tablecloth while you focus on listening to her.

4.  Don't ask the same old questions, as if you're going through a checklist.  Everyone gets asked what they do or where they're from. Try some questions that she's never been asked before.  If you can, focus the question on something that you've noticed about her specifically.  For example, if she walks particularly gracefully, you might ask her if she's been a dancer.  Not only will she feel flattered, but the question will give her the opportunity to talk about whether she likes dancing ... which might lead to an invitation for a second date later on in the night.

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