A couple of days ago I assigned you with an exercise on approaching women. I asked you to approach at least three to five women a day and ask them for directions.
Today I am going to give you a second exercise. This time, I would like you to sit at a location where you can see a lot of women walk by. Have a pen and notepad ready in your hands.
Every time you see a woman walk by, I want to you do a quick body scan and notice something "special" about her. For example, she might be wearing a cute pair of earrings or a shirt with an interesting slogan. Or maybe her heels keep making clinking sounds as she walks. It doesn't matter what that something is. Just find something that intrigues you and write it down. Then think about what you would say about that "special something" if you were to meet the woman. Write that down too.
Every time you see a woman walk by, I want to you do a quick body scan and notice something "special" about her. For example, she might be wearing a cute pair of earrings or a shirt with an interesting slogan. Or maybe her heels keep making clinking sounds as she walks. It doesn't matter what that something is. Just find something that intrigues you and write it down. Then think about what you would say about that "special something" if you were to meet the woman. Write that down too.
Do this with at least 50 women. You'll see why later, when I give you your next exercise in 2 days!
P.S. I will explain the "reasoning" behind these exercises very soon. Just do them for now and hear the explanations later. They'll work better this way!

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