Saturday, August 20, 2011

Should You Get Your Ex Back?

A question that asked all the time is, ", should I get my ex back?" depends...

    If you are thinking about getting your ex back, the first thing you should think about is why you guys broke up in the first place, as in if it was a character or an attraction issue. If it's just an attraction or communication issue, then by all means try to raise the attraction and save your relationship.

    But if you guys had broken up because of relationship drama, such as if you or your ex had too much emotional baggage to be involved with a romantic relationship, then I'd recommend against getting back together. If it was you who had character problems, then fix yourself first and then think about getting back together. If it was your ex who had character problems, then be glad that the relationship is over and don't even think about getting back together.
    This will require an objective review of your ex's and your own character. If you're still too emotional to have clear judgment, then here's a simple test: Think about whether your close friends and family hate your ex do. If they do, chances are, there's something wrong with your ex that you don't see.
    You should also think about how compatible you actually are with your ex. If it's "just too hard" for you guys to be together, maybe you both would be better off being with someone who'd create less drama.

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