Monday, September 5, 2011


Some of my readers have told me that they like to drink before or during a date because it builds their confidence.

Personally, I don't think that's such a great idea.

More than a few of my past readers have gotten into trouble while being drunk. One guy started puking in front of his date. Another guy got his butt kicked after starting a fight with another guy at a club.

Sure, these guys all thought they were "feeling" confident. But in reality, they were acting like idiots.

A recent study shows that it actually takes women LONGER to get drunk than a guy. So if you have just ONE drink with a woman on a date, you could be acting like an idiot  while your date is COMPLETELY SOBER AND TURNED OFF BY YOUR ACTIONS. This explains why some guys think they had a "great date" and are surprised when their dates don't want to see them again.

 Here's the lesson of the day: Do NOT try to use alcohol to give yourself more Confidence. Don't rely on booze to give you confidence. Work on your self-image instead!


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