Sunday, September 25, 2011

Do You Have Trouble Approaching Women? Well…

If you find yourself having trouble approaching women, what I am about to say will definitely surprise you:
Approaching women isn't the hardest part of the dating game. CLOSING with a woman is.
It's true. Most guys just talk and talk to a woman... without ever asking for her number or closing for a date. If you're one of these guys, then I can REALLY feel your pain.
This just demonstrates how what you FEEL in your mind may be different than REALITY. Even though I feel I suck at "closing" at the end of my articles, REALITY shows otherwise.
Well, for a start, you need to start PUSHING yourself to make the close. Don't just talk and talk to a woman without making a close for her number. Do it. Spill the words out. Forget about the results and JUST do it. Practice saying "You have email?" or "Give me your phone number" a dozen times a day, until you can say it anytime, anywhere.
Secondly, make yourself a commitment to close at least 5 women every time you go to a club. Don't go home until you have asked at least 5 women for their numbers.
Lastly, think about just how badly you want to improve your love life. I am the kind of guy who believes that if you want something bad enough and work hard enough for it, you WILL get it eventually. So how badly do you want to succeed with women? How much have you actually DONE to improve your situation?
How much energy have you spent on closing for numbers and dates? How often do you practice? Do you even practice at all?
And most important of all, are you ready for a CHANGE?


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