Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How to Know If She's Interested

It's me again with some more thoughts.

Women are sending men signals all the time. There's only one problem: Men Never Catch Most of the Signals that Women Send them.

Women are masters of body language. From a young age, women observe body language and learn to use it to their advantage. By using particular gestures, holding their body in certain ways, or giving a particular kind of glance, women can persuade men to give them what they want. Men respond to these non-verbal gestures, regardless of whether they were aware of the body language that the woman was using.

This is good news for you. It means that if a woman is interested in you, she'll show it. You just have to realize that she may not say anything to you directly. Women, like men, know the value of being elusive. You need to become an expert in reading female body language, you'll know every time whether that woman is just acting friendly with you ... or whether she wants more.

Tossing Her Hair

Do you remember the scene in the movie version of Charlie's Angels where Cameron Diaz's character tosses her hair at the waiter? It made his jaw drop ... and minutes later he was at her side asking for a date.

Women know that their hair can be a real turn-on for men. When women touch their hair a lot, they are drawing attention to a feature that they hope you will find attractive.

Dilated Pupils and Flushed Skin

I was working in an office once where one of the female employees had to drop off my mail each day at my desk. I would always give her a friendly hello but rarely looked up from my desk. One day, one of my colleagues observed our interaction. He told me, "Man, that girl really likes you."

I was surprised and asked him, "How do you know?"

"She blushes every time she sees you."

Women can't control their physiological responses when they are aroused. An involuntary blush is one of the clearest ways in which she'll show how much you turn her on. Her eyes may become enormous. You just have to keep your own eyes open to notice.

Wide, Sensuous Lips

If her lips are full and smiling, chances are that you'll want to kiss them immediately, and she probably wants you too! You can read a lot about how a woman is feeling from her lips. When her lips are tense and tight, she is feeling stressed and not particularly open to romance. When her lips are loose, relaxed, and curve into a smile easily, she is having a great time. If she licks her lips or bites her lips playfully, chances are she is thinking about how your lips would feel on hers.

Invading Your Personal Space

One way in which a woman tells you that it's okay to make a move is by moving in on your personal space. She may sit a bit closer to you than an acquaintance ordinarily would. She may lean forwards towards you. She may lower her voice so that you have to lean in towards her. She may seek reasons to touch you lightly on the shoulder or thigh. These sorts of signals are unmistakable.

If a woman's body is turned away from you, however, hold on. Usually, a woman who is interested in you will face you squarely. The lower half of her body may be at an angle, allowing you to see the length of her legs, but her torso should be facing you.

Glancing at Your Mouth

A sure sign of a desire to kiss for both sexes is a glance at the mouth. Women know that moving their own mouth in sensuous ways can be enormously appealing to men.

Next time you go to a party, keep your eyes open! Don't be the oblivious guy who lets a woman's flirting pass him by.


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