I love it when a woman shows resistance. The more resistance she shows...the more excited I am...
Now...before you report me to FBI as a potential rapist, let me tell you what I mean...
When a hot woman gives me resistance, I welcome it because it actually helps my game. It shows me what I am doing WRONG and what I am doing RIGHT.
Here's an exercise:
Imagine yourself as a sailor. A good old sailor in an old fashioned boat. When the wind turns against you, what do you do?
Do you try to buck up against the storm and stall or even sink your ship as a result, or do you ADAPT to the changing wind and use it to SAIL FORWARD?
Dating is just like sailing. When a woman gives you resistance, don't see it as "resistance". See it as her way of HELPING you find out what she DOES want. Take a step back and think, "What I am doing wrong? What should I try instead?" it's useless to confront resistance. You will just hit the same wall over and over again until you're too sore to go on. Persistence is overrated. You don't want to have "persistence" in the dating game...because if you keep on doing the same thing OVER AND OVER, you will just keep getting rejected OVER AND OVER!
Think about it...if it didn't work the first time... IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK THIS TIME!
what you should have instead is CREATIVE PERSISTENCE. If something doesn't work, TRY SOMETHING ELSE. And if she likes it, then BINGO - You've just scored another brownie!
For ways you can use to overcome resistance and safely advance through a woman's boundaries
Source: http://www.datebeautifulwomen.com/ebook.html

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