Sunday, October 9, 2011

What To Do If She Plays Mind Games

If a woman tries to play mind games with you, you should either bust her or ignore her. NEVER try to play along, because it's just a waste of your time and will only make things worse.

You know how sometimes when you keep a cat, it likes  to meow like crazy in the middle of the night for a night  snack? Or sometimes it "attacks" you playfully while you're  sleeping to get a reaction from you. 

What do you do when that happens? 
Do you wake up and feed him the snack? 
Or do you hit it with a broomstick?

Neither. You just ignore it. Why? Because if you give him any sort of a "fun" reaction (such as feeding him and going after him with a broomstick), he will know he can get you to play with him or to feed him by just meowing whenever he wants.

Women are the same, whenever a woman plays mind games  or throws a tantrum, you DON'T want to encourage her way by  freaking out or getting upset. Just act indifferent...or even act like you don't care because you can see through her.

Every time a woman does something silly, just look at her and smile - the way you would do it if you were to say  "You REALLY like me" non-verbally. It is much more powerful than freaking out or getting into an argument with her.

And if she keeps the bullsh*t up, it's time for you to sack her and find yourself a new girlfriend!


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