Friday, September 16, 2011

Heavy Breathing Magic With Women

Today's tip is going to be VERY short. But it's also going to be VERY fun to do.

Next time you're making out or cuddling with a woman, I want you to SHUT UP. Stop talking. Don't say anything.

Use your breathing to communicate with her instead.

As you make out or cuddle with her, vary the rhythm of your breathing to show your different levels of excitement.

Breathe slowly as you caress her body softly.

Breathe lightly into your ears as you cuddle with her and smell her neck.

When she begins to "loosen up" and really makes out with you, deepen your breath and breathe faster. Use your heavy breathing to show her how aroused you are.

Finally, when you're finished, let her rest her hand or head on your arm or chest as your breathing slowly returns to normal. To a woman, that effect can be quite tranquilizing.

Learn to communicate through your breathing properly, and it will be sexier than anything you can "say" to her verbally.


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