Some of the things Jess has said in the interview.
Here are the most commonly asked questions:
1) Is Jessica immature because she prefers a "dark haired, well-built man?"
2) Does having good looks really matter that much?
3) How does this fit with the Smart Dating System since the system teaches that we should focus on our skills rather than our looks?
4) Is Jess contradicting herself at times in the interview?
Today I am going to answer these questions together by showing you the REALITY of a beautiful well as giving you my "daily insult". (This is going to hurt. You just wait.)
All right...let's pretend you're a beautiful woman.
Imagine yourself being asked out by a guy for the FIRST time. How would you feel?
Flattered, and a little bit anxious, maybe?
Imagine yourself being asked out by a guy the second.third, or forth time. How would you feel now? Less anxious?
What if you were asked out by two different guys a week? Or 10? Or 20?
How would you feel if there were at least 20 guys interested in you at ANY time? How would you feel if every time you went to a club, at least nine or ten guys would try to buy you drinks? Would you still want to take all of these guys home?
Of course not. You would feel burned out. You would feel the need to start cutting down the numbers of the guys you meet. You would start screening calls and stop answering every phone call just to make the phone stop ringing.
THAT, my friend, is the reality of a beautiful women. A lot of girls have been approached by so many men that their responses have become "automatic". They reject guys on the spot because they can't take all of it in. Trying to brush off 10 guys a night without hurting their feelings is just too big of a burden.
The truth is, any woman who's considered "hot" by most guys will have been approached at least hundreds if not thousands of time by the time they are 25 or 30. (Think about it. A barmaid who works 5 nights a week and gets hit on 3 times a night will have been approached by over 1800 different guys by this time next year.)
This is exactly why most women will have developed "automatic responses" for dealing with guys by the time they are 23 or 24. It becomes a routine for them...almost like a computer program:
IF approached by man;
IF attraction >80 GOSUB chat;
ELSE GOSUB rejection;
As you can see. It's a very simple program. A woman meets a man. She rolls a dice in her mind and determines the attraction. If it's above 80, she chats with him. If it's below 80, she gives him a brush-off.
End of program. That's it!
This may seem awfully brutal and "immature", as the woman won't even give the guy a chance to show what a wonderful guy he is inside. But since a woman is approached by men ALL the time, this is the ONLY program she can afford to run. She can't afford to spend too much time on a stranger that she is not interested in at all.
So by now I am sure you're dying to does a woman tell if a guy would make a good potential boyfriend?
I believe they do so by "sensing" the "cumulative score" of a man as soon as they meet him. If the PERCEIVED score of the man is higher than her expectations, she will try to find out more about him. If it is lower, she will brush him off.
The "cumulative score" is an idea I've been playing around with in the past couple of months. By cumulative score, I mean looks, wealth, social status, personality, and dating skills all combined together. Most humans on this earth would never date anyone with a lower "cumulative score" - at least in the long term. (Short-term relationships are different.)
A man who is 6 in looks, 9 in wealth, 9 in status, 7 in personality, and 3 in skills has a cumulative score of 34. He will probably end up dating and STAYING with a woman with a cumulative score close to 34.
His potential wife may have 9 in looks, 4 in wealth, 9 in skills, 7 in personality, and 5 in social status, which all add up to 34 together.
Of course. The actual formula is much more complicated than this.But for the purpose of this email, just remember: a woman won't date you until she perceives you as an EQUAL.
What this means for you is that if you suffer in looks, wealth, or social status, then you better have a great score in PERSONALITY and DATING SKILLS to make up for it.
So how does this fit with Jessica's interview?
When a woman talks about what she want, she is really talking about an image that represents the CUMULATIVE SCORE in her mind. To her, the dream guy in her mind is MUCH more than just the dark-haired and the well-built body. Unfortunately, most guys are hard-wired into nitpicking the few features that THEY care about and ignoring the rest. Instead of thinking, "She wants a handsome guy who's mature, independent, confident, fun, and a leader of his pack", they just think, "She's a dumb little girl who wants a dark-haired guy."
Gee. Who's the shallow one here?
Listen. Being a "real man" means MUCH more than just having good looks or money. It is about being the "whole package". If a woman has a cumulative score of 30. As long as you have a perceived cumulative score of 30-ish, you're be fine.
Some of you will still find this rating system "shallow", I am sure. That's all right. You don't have to believe me. You don't have to improve your dating skills. You don't have to have a great personality. You can just keep waiting and waiting and waiting and HOPE a woman will eventually notice you. (Good luck!)
What I am showing now is my observations of the REAL WORLD, which may be different from the IDEAL WORLD. The ideal world says, "everybody should love each other" and "love knows no boundaries". The real world says, "women only date men that they perceive as their equals".
So if your dream girl is a 30 and you're a 10 because not only are you butt-ugly and poor (which aren't that important, really), but you are also shy, unsociable, AND inexperienced, then I REALLY wish you GOOD LUCK. You should have spent time WORKING ON YOURSELF instead of fantasying all this time.
This may or may not be what you want to hear, but it's reality. Smart Dating Course isn't based on plain theory or opinion. It is based on REALITY, which is sometimes harsher than you'd like.
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