Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why Does This ALWAYS Happen?

Every week, I get questions among the lines of "Why do I always end up attracting women that I do not like instead of women that I DO like?"

The answer to this question is simple. It's because you always do all the WRONG things in front of women you DO like.

When you're with a woman you do not like, you probably have the "no-care" attitude that is a MUST-HAVE in dating. This confident, "no-care" attitude makes you VERY attractive in a woman's eyes. Also, you're probably using some of the techniques and concepts you've learned from me sub-consciously because you're completely relaxed and at ease.

However, when you're with an attractive's a whole different story. You may be too nervous...which lowers your confidence and makes you appear more needy. And to make things probably lack the self-control you need to carry out the rigid rules laid out in the Smart Dating Course.

But don't worry. I DO have some good news for you. If  you always tend to do better with women you don't like than with women you DO like, it just shows you ARE capable of having success with women. You just have to work on your self-control...and actually have the discipline to follow the rigid Smart Dating rules. 

If you own the Smart Dating Course, I want you to print out a few copies of the self-checklist. Every time you come home from a date, go through the checklist and give yourself a score. See if you've done everything right. Eventually, you'll be able to do the checklist less often and still have success with women as you gain more and more confidence and self-control.


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