Thursday, September 29, 2011

How To Improve Your Looks

Here are a few tips on how you can improve your looks by at least 1-2 points on a scale of 10.
   1) Workout At The Gym: Get leaner. It can seriously improve your looks dramatically. A leaner face will always bring out a person's more attractive facial features. It will also release hormones in your body that can improve your posture and body language.
    2) Get A Nice Haircut: This one is very important. A generic buzz cut will only women that you're "confused"!
    3) Wear Nice Shoes: If you spend money on ANYTHING at all, make sure you get a nice pair of shoes. Men that have a good taste in footwear are rare - and women know this too.
    4) Shirts: Get a couple of nice-shirts that you can rotate, such as:
    - A few good T-shirts with cool logos or designs
    - 2-3 long sleeve dress shirts
    - Polo shirts
    5) Pants:
    - 1 pair of blue jeans
    - 1 pair of black jeans
    - 1 pair of dress slacks
    You can get most of these stuff on ebay or at a factory outlet store for cheap. Focus on "class" rather than "trend". This way your wardrobe won't go out of style fast.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How To Deal With Competition

I am often asked, "How do I deal with competition from other men?"
My advice is simple and sound.
Listen. It's how much a girl likes you, NOT the other guys that matters! You can't change how she feels about other don't bother. This isn't the Dark Ages and you aren't a Caveman. You can't lock your girl you like in a cave and ward off your competitors with an over-sized baseball bat carved out of stone. So instead of worrying about how you can destroy you competition, just focus on thinking about about how you can attract her to YOU. Remember: If she likes you enough, she will brush off the other guys on her own.
Here are a couple of practical scenarios:
    Scenario 1) Let's say you're returning from the bathroom at a club when you see a young guy chatting up your girl. What do you do? You walk over and say "Hi" to the guy. Then you shake his hand, say "Nice meeting you", and turn your  back on him while continuing your conversation with your girl. That's it. You just be civil to him and then you ignore him completely. If you want to be diplomatic, take your girl by  the arm and lead her to another part of the club to get a  drink. Then you simply flirt with her and charm her instead of worrying about the other guy.

    Scenario 2) If your girl is blatantly flirting with more than 1 guy at the club, go mack around with other girls and bring them over so that she can see you flirting with  them. She will get rid of the guys FAST before you even lift a finger. Works every time. 

    Scenario 3) If the girl you like is also seeing another guy, just ignore the issue and don't talk about it  at all. Just focus on raising the chemistry between you and her. Be a challenge and attract her to you instead of trying to talk her into choosing you over the other guy.
You'll learn the BIGGER PICTURE and EXACTLY what it takes to create ATTRACTION with
the girl you want.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why Women Leave Men

When a woman leaves a man, it's always because of one single reason - a lack of attraction.
It's not because she has found a new man. It's not because she doesn't trust her boyfriend or husband anymore. It's not because she thinks he is "too good for her."
These are all EXCUSES that women use. The REAL reason for any woman to breakup with her lover is due to a LACK of ATTRACTION. Always.
I want you to imagine a balance scale in front of you. On one side is whatever problem your relationship is facing.  On the other side is a woman's attraction for you. If the attraction is greater than the negative forces, she'll stay with you. Otherwise, she's leave you in a heartbeat. It's as simple as that.
Using this model, you can see how attraction is ALWAYS the underlying force that makes or breaks a relationship. If the attraction is high...
1) She won't leave you because you've made a tiny mistake. ("Mistakes" are just "excuses" for a woman to  breakup with a man!) Even if you do make a mistake, if the attraction is great enough, she will forgive you.

2) She won't think you're "too good for her." 
3) She won't choose her family, culture, or religion over you.
4) She won't fight with you everyday.
    And the list goes on and on...
In short, if the attraction is strong, the  chances of a woman staying in a relationship with you will be MUCH higher. Heck, if she likes you enough, you won't be able to pry her off with a crowbar. This is EXCATLY why most men are DEAD WRONG when it comes to fixing their relationships. They fight and beg and promise to "change themselves"...when the women they love is really NOT leaving them JUST because of whatever problem the relationship is facing...but because of a lack of attraction.
    Let's put it this way:
The "reasons" for the breakup are merely the  "symptoms"...the UNDERLYING cause is ALWAYS a lack of  attraction, get it? do you keep the attraction high?


Monday, September 26, 2011

A common Trait ALL Players Have

Over the past few years, I have noticed a COMMON trait among EVERY man who is successful with women.
Of all the "players" I have met and interviewed, they are almost always very sociable people.
And I don't mean they are just sociable with women. They are sociable with EVERYONE they come across. No matter how "alpha" they are, they are NATURAL LEADERS that are CHARISMATIC and SOCIABLE. They can strike up a conversation with you in 10 seconds, no matter you're a hot model or just another guy sitting at the bar.
 So...before you dream of becoming the kind of guy every woman wants, I want you to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself the following question:
    "How sociable am I?"
    1) How often do you meet new friends?
    2) How often do you talk to strangers?
    3) How often do you raise your opinion at work or at school?
    4) How easy is it for you to carry on a conversation with a stranger? Not with a hot woman - but with ANY  stranger?

 As I always say, your love life is merely a REFLECTION of your life in general. So if you aren't very sociable with women, chances are, you're just not very sociable IN GENERAL.
I know these words sound harsh - but as you know, I always try to show reality in my newsletters, and reality always hurts.
    Here's my suggestion:
Before you pursue your dreams of becoming a player every woman wants, perhaps you should take a step back and think about how you can become a more SOCIABLE person in general. Not just with women, but with EVERYBODY you meet.
    Here are some practical tips on how you can become a sociable person RIGHT NOW:
    1) Go out with your friends more often.
    2) Invite your friends to do things with you.
    3) Hang out with the "groups" at your workplace or school.
    4) Laugh at people's joke and make them feel comfortable around you.
    5) Be naturally interested in other people.
    6) Say "thank you" when others compliment you.
    7) Don't be "too modest" when people center turn their attention on you. Thank them (see rule number 6) and compliment them back.
    8) Go out AT LEAST twice with your friends every week.
    Now...go out and make some friends!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Do You Have Trouble Approaching Women? Well…

If you find yourself having trouble approaching women, what I am about to say will definitely surprise you:
Approaching women isn't the hardest part of the dating game. CLOSING with a woman is.
It's true. Most guys just talk and talk to a woman... without ever asking for her number or closing for a date. If you're one of these guys, then I can REALLY feel your pain.
This just demonstrates how what you FEEL in your mind may be different than REALITY. Even though I feel I suck at "closing" at the end of my articles, REALITY shows otherwise.
Well, for a start, you need to start PUSHING yourself to make the close. Don't just talk and talk to a woman without making a close for her number. Do it. Spill the words out. Forget about the results and JUST do it. Practice saying "You have email?" or "Give me your phone number" a dozen times a day, until you can say it anytime, anywhere.
Secondly, make yourself a commitment to close at least 5 women every time you go to a club. Don't go home until you have asked at least 5 women for their numbers.
Lastly, think about just how badly you want to improve your love life. I am the kind of guy who believes that if you want something bad enough and work hard enough for it, you WILL get it eventually. So how badly do you want to succeed with women? How much have you actually DONE to improve your situation?
How much energy have you spent on closing for numbers and dates? How often do you practice? Do you even practice at all?
And most important of all, are you ready for a CHANGE?


Saturday, September 24, 2011

What If A Woman Cheats On You?

There are two reasons why a woman would cheat on you. The first one is her low attraction for you. The more a woman  is attracted to you, the nicer she will be to you. When a woman is very, very, attracted to you, she will do everything she can to please you. On the other hand, the less a woman is attracted to you, the more likely she will do naughty things such as fooling around with other guys behind your back.
The second reason a woman would cheat on you is that she is disloyal. Some women are more loyal than others, and that's  why you need to make sure a woman is loyal before you commit to her. Think of it this way: there is a "tolerance level" in every woman's system. Every woman can only take a certain amount of  temptation before she cheats on a man. Your job is to find a woman with a high tolerance level and keep the attraction high so that the temptation is low.
But what if a woman cheats?
"Once a cheater, always a cheater? is my belief.
I can't tell you whether you should break up with her or not. That's a decision that YOU'll have to make. The more control you want to have over your own life, the more RESPONSIBILITIES you have to take - including standing up for yourself and figuring what YOU want.

 All I can tell you is that if you choose to stay, you're probably going to be in for a rough life. In my experience, a lot of women that have cheated the first time will also cheat for a second or third time. If you're softhearted and want to forgive your girlfriend or wife once, then make sure you follow the "two strikes and you're out rule". After all, if a woman cheats on you a SECOND time, it means you've already made a mistake the first time. Don't make the same mistake again!
I'll give you an incredibly DETAILED explanation of  how and why women feel ATTRACTION for men, and how you can use this information to go after the woman you REALLY want.

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